
Project title: Boosting innovation through new cluster conceptsSEZ_CLuStrat_Logo_RZ.indd in support of emerging issues and cross-sectoral themes
Project code: 3sCE411P1
Programme: Central Europe Programme
Project duration: October 2011 – November 2014
Lead partner: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum der Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH (Germany)

Project partners


  • to develop and test a joint strategy on new cluster concepts in support of
    emerging economic sectors/branches, cross technology and cross-sectoral themes,
  • to enable policy to create enhanced framework conditions, so that cluster members can better exploit emerging technology & market opportunities through innovative and transnational approaches,
  • to improve the competitiveness of CE economies and to deliver benefits for innovation policy makers & implementing bodies, enterprises & research organisations.

Thematic focus:

Emerging industries:

  • Active ageing
  • Sustainable Development / Green Economy
  • Sustainable / Intelligent Mobility

Cross-cutting issues:

  • Internationalisation
  • Technology & Knowledge transfer
  • Gender in Innovation / Diversity

WP1 – Project management and coordination
WP2 – Communication, knowledge management and dissemination
WP3 – Establish a policy dialogue in CE on new cluster concepts and cluster cooperation
WP4 – Cluster potential in emerging sectors & cross-sectoral themes + gender in CE
WP5 – Strategy development for new cluster concepts
WP6 – Implement pilot actions

National Report_Slovakia
Joint Strategy
Proposal for Joint Actions
Policy recommendations


This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.

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