DanubIA Clusters

Project title: AI based Cluster Cooperation in the Danube Region
Project acronym: DRP0401474
Programme: Interreg Danube Region Programme
Project duration: September 2024 – May 2025
Lead partner: Romanian Cluster Association (Romania)
Web: https://interreg-danube.eu/projects/danubia-clusters

DanubIA Clusters is an international project aimed at strengthening collaboration between clusters and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Danube region through artificial intelligence (AI). The project aims to develop an AI-supported cluster cooperation platform that will enable more effective C2C, C2B, B2C and B2B collaboration in areas such as commercial exchange, technology transfer, innovation and participation in research and development projects.

Main objectives of the project:

  • Enhancing inter-cluster and business cooperation – expanding opportunities for commercial, technological and research interactions.
  • Providing real-time economic data – delivering up-to-date information on the competitiveness of clusters and SMEs in the Danube region.
  • Facilitating experience and know-how exchange – enabling learning and sharing of best practices in green and digital transformation.
  • Strengthening the resilience of value chains – improving the adaptability of regional ecosystems to economic challenges.

The project involves five national cluster associations (Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine), with key activities including an AI needs assessment, defining platform functionalities and identifying funding opportunities for further implementation.

Role of the Union of Slovak Clusters

The Union of Slovak Clusters (UKS) is the only organization representing clusters in Slovakia and plays a key role in the DanubIA Clusters project. Its main activities include:

  1. Needs and challenges analysis – UKS contributes to a report on the current state of digital and AI-based cooperation platforms, leading the analysis of challenges and needs related to cluster collaboration in the Danube region.
  2. Defining AI platform functionalities – UKS organizes national consultations with clusters, SMEs, research organizations and other partners to define the platform’s requirements and potential applications.
  3. Identifying funding and project opportunities – UKS is involved in mapping financial resources for implementing the main project, exploring funding opportunities from programs such as Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programme.
  4. Supporting the development of the main project work plan – UKS collaborates on preparing the main project, including task distribution and partner identification.
  5. Encouraging the participation of Slovak clusters and companies – UKS organizes activities to involve Slovak SMEs in the project and strengthen their innovation capabilities.

Through UKS’s participation in the DanubIA Clusters project, Slovak clusters will benefit from stronger connections with international partners, increased digital competitiveness and greater integration into European value chains.