Project title: Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between logo_nogapresearch, innovation and business creation
Grant Agreement Number: 609531
Programme: 7th Framework Programme
Project duration: September 2013 – August 2016
Lead partner: Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH (Germany)

Project partners


  • identify the main drivers and obstacles of closer links between academia and the market in the field of secure, clean and efficient energy in the Eastern Partnership Region
  • develop a best practice methodology to enhance successful commercialisation of research results and to improve the management of these results
  • develop innovation support services to foster existing and establish new strategic partnerships
  • assess the opportunities for the establishment of sustainable Technology Transfer Centres (TTC) in the participating partner countries on the basis of existing structures and good practice
  • improve the competencies of researchers, entrepreneurs and multiplicators by organising trainings
  • develop a list of pilot activities to foster mutually beneficial public-private-partnerships between EU and Eastern Partnership countries in the energy sector
  • create and organise twinnings between the regions
  • promote networking between EU and Eastern Partnership countries.

WP 1 – Identification of opportunities and bottlenecks related to cooperation and knowledge transfer between public research and industry
WP 2 – Developing Innovation Support Services to foster Innovation Partnership in the societal challenge ‚secure, clean and efficient energy‘
WP 3 – Improving of competencies and mutual learning
WP 4 – Pilot activities, implementation of the services
WP 5 – Promoting networking in order to create a bridge between research, innovation and business
WP 6 – Communication and dissemination
WP 7 – Management

Report based on the analysis of the existing policy strategies related to the societal challenge addressed
A Policy Framework Document
Report_How to finance services for TTCs
Brochure_Financing issues in Technology Transfer and Innovation
Handbook for services in IPR and Innovation Management
Handbook_Business Plan in Innovation Environment

Information from the final conference

Project newsletters:


Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013)